Jul 10, 2013

ICPC WF - Battle of the Brains, St. Petersburg and Me

It was yet another ICPC WF for me, different from all the previous ones, of course in a different country. It was a gathering and competition of world's best of the best programming brains from more than 50 countries.  These best programmers are chosen from each country and they are the top in their country.  This is a programming contest that requires good mathematical knowledge, deep understanding of computer algorithms and programming languages.  One should be wise enough to solve the given problem and select the programming language best suitable to implement the given solution. 
I always think how they are here for the world finals each year and how they reached the level of this standard in programming. It is passion, their hard work with the determination, dedication and with the goal in mind – to become world’s best programmer.  It also requires a good level of patience and enthusiasm to keep the momentum till they reach the desired destination. There are a good number of students who think that all these hard work is not necessary or important in the career.  One of the major reasons is that it is easy to get a job in a service based company with high pay. Most of these students finally end up in testing or some kind of development which is not at all relevant to what they have studied. But those ones, who have the determination and goal in mind, reach a product based company with a better job prospects and career options. These best of the best programmers are behind the development and enhancement of the social networking websites like the FaceBook, Quora, Twitter, Google Circles, etc.  I should emphasis here that the youngsters should take these brains as role models in the career and studies.  These brains have self motivation, determination, patience and keeps struggling till they reach the goal. It is possible for any student to reach at that higher level with TRUE determination and hard work. But this has to be put into practice in order to reach the goal. Though it may sound easy, it is quite challenging for a beginner. Again, one has to accept the fact that each new job one get after the studies is challenging. Without learning new things in one's work environment, it is not easy to get adapted with new developments in science and technology. This also means, to survive, learning new things is very much essential and is inevitable. 
Computer Science has grown to new world of horizons to that extent which a normal person cannot simply avoid it in day to day life.  Now-a-days, it is impossible to run any business without a mobile phone.  Applications are packed with most of the mobile operating systems free of cost, used in everyday life. Let it be travel ticket reservation, finding the route using maps or health care, there is an application available in most of the mobile operating system platforms.  Same is the growth of internet and its applications that connect people from anywhere in the globe.

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